Επίτιμα Προξενεία & Υποπροξενεία στη Μεγάλη Βρετανία

Hon. Consulate of Greece, Belfast
Hurst House
15-19 Corporation Square
Belfast BT1 3AJ
Tel: 01232 - 242242
Telex: 74682
Fax: 02890 - 235776
Hon. Consul: Mr. Michael Ewings

Hon. Consulate of Greece, Birmingham
Hagley Court
229 Hagley Court
Birmingham B16 9RP
Tel: 0121 - 4543369
Fax: 0121 - 4562722
Hon. Consul: Mr. Christopher Philippides

Hon. Consulate of Greece, Edinburgh
Axios House
19 Walker Street
Edinburgh EH3 7HX
Tel: 0131 - 2261309
Fax: 0131 - 2204281
Hon. Consul: Mr. Anastasios Simeonidis

Hon. Vice Consulate of Greece, Falmouth
G.C. Fox & Co.
48 - 50 Killigrew Street
Falmouth TR11
Tel: 01326 - 311300
Telex: 45237 FOX G
Fax: 01326 - 317913
Hon. Vice-Consul: Charles Lloyd Fox

Hon. Consulate of Greece, Glasgow
1 Kirklee Quadrant
Glasgow G12 OTR
Tel: 0141 - 3340360
Hon. Consul: Mrs Irene Cavouras
Hon. Secretary: Miss Ekaterini Theohari
Home: 0141 - 7791862

Hon. Consulate of Greece, Leeds
8 Street Lane
West Yorkshire LS8 2ET
Tel: 0113 - 2262672
Tel/Fax: 0113 - 2267222 (home)
Hon. Consul: Mr. Antonios Naslas

Hon. Vice Consulate of Greece, Southampton
64 Wilton Gardens
Southampton SO15 7QR
Tel/Fax: 01703 - 788060
Hon. Vice-Consul: Dr. Nicholas Kouladis

Hon. Consulate General of Greece, Gibraltar
Imossi House, Ste 1C
1/5 Irish Town,
P.O. Box 167
Tel: 00350 - 73500
Fax: 00350 - 73550
Telex: 2221 IMOSSI GK
Hon. Consul General: Mr. Charles Gaggero
Hon. Consul: Mr. James Lukas Imossi

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